Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Relationship between Opportunity,OpportunityLineItems and Price books

  • Opportunity object stores data of potential sales and pending sales.
  • One opportunity can only have one pricebook.
  • One opportunity can contain one or many line items.
  • Product object is a catalogue of items or services for sales.
  • A product may contain one or more different sets of prices (PriceBookEntry).
  • List of products that link with opportunity containing data on types of products and respective prices.
  • One opportunity line item can only be linked to one opportunity.
  • One opportunity line item can only be linked to one price book entry.
  • PricebookEntry object is a product entry in a pricebook.
  • This object allows products to be linked to standard price book or custom price book.
  • One price book entry is linked to only one product.
  • One price book entry can only appear in one pricebook.
  • One price book entry can be used in multiple line items. This also further creates flexibility for users to set their own prices.
  • Pricebook object store a list of products and services for sale.
  • A pricebook can be used in one or more different opportunities.
  • A pricebook has one or more different price entries.